Friday, November 13, 2009

How can I make my jet black hair shine with brilliance???

Like how can I make it look deep, smooth, and shiny. . .just pure BLACK!!?

How can I make my jet black hair shine with brilliance???

1. If you color your hair, be sure to use products formulated for color treated hair. This will prevent the stripping of color that leaves the hair looking dull and lifeless.

2. Deep condition your hair. And while you are at it, read a book just for the fun of it.

3. Use a clarifying shampoo on a regular basis to remove the product buildup that blocks the shine.

4. Did you know that there actually are shine enhancing ingredients on the market. They coat the cuticle so that light is reflected.

5. Dull hair usually means that it is lacking moisture. So simply, put it back. (See step 7)

6. Use the natural oil from your hair to add to its shine. This can be accomplished by a gentle brushing. I do stress the gentle part of this activity.

7. If you use a hairdryer, be sure to use heat activated shampoos and conditioners. Their moisturizers are released by the heat of the dryer.

8. It is important to keep the cuticle as flat as possible so that the light can reflect from the surface of your hair. This means that your hair has to be in excellent condition. Be sure to read the articles on the site about caring for your hair. If shiny hair is important to you, this is an area that you won't want to miss.

How can I make my jet black hair shine with brilliance???

coconut oil

How can I make my jet black hair shine with brilliance???

Mayo or man juice. Atleast thats what i hear.

How can I make my jet black hair shine with brilliance???

use garnier shampoo..or how ever you spell it....You know thaty one kind that says something about shine or something

How can I make my jet black hair shine with brilliance???

apply silver paint .

How can I make my jet black hair shine with brilliance???

Hair spray and coconut oil!

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